Denise Rossell-Jones
Denise Rossell-Jones, from Surrey, experienced vaginal bleeding aged 71. She was told by her GP that it was down to old age and nothing to worry about. One day, after going to the toilet, she noticed it was full of blood. She rang 111 and was referred to the hospital. There she underwent a transvaginal (internal) ultrasound, and they found a small polyp. A few weeks later, she was due to have the polyp removed when they discovered a larger one. She returned to have this larger polyp removed but the surgeon had to stop during the procedure as Denise was bleeding too much. They referred her to another hospital for an anaesthetic. At this point, Denise lost faith in the treatment she was receiving and went on to see a consultant privately. She was diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial cancer. Denise had surgery using a da Vinci robot at the Royal Surrey Hospital. She recovered quickly from the operation and needed four courses of brachytherapy. Denise’s sister believes that without private medical insurance she would be dead.