Get involved

Claire’s campaign is focused on ensuring policy change through people’s voices and stories and campaigning to change the culture of dismissing women’s voices in healthcare settings.

We need to hear from you, whether you have a story about your own experience of gynaecological cancer, or if you would like to support the campaign by lobbying your MS for change, or donating to support Claire’s Campaign.

By completing the below form you grant Tenovus Cancer Care (on behalf of Claire’s Campaign) permission to share your story for PR, marketing, and fundraising purposes. You agree that your written words and story can be used for publications, press articles, marketing materials and presentations. Your story may also be shared electronically, displayed via the internet and on our website and social media sites.

Share your story

    We promise to always keep your details safe and will never sell them. For more details visit Tenovus Cancer Care’s website for its Privacy Policy. If you wish to stop your consent to us using your story, email or give us a call on 029 2076 8850.

    Updates on Claire’s Campaign will be shared on this site. If you would like to receive updates directly about Tenovus Cancer Care’s work and activities, including Claire’s Campaign, please complete this form.

    Contact us

    If you wish to get in touch or have any media or press inquiries, email us at

    Contact your MSs

    If you live in Wales, you have one Constituency Member of the Senedd, and four regional Members of the Senedd. You can find the contact details of your MSs here.

    We’re asking Claire’s campaign supporters to contact their MSs to ask for their commitment to scrutinise the Welsh Government in its delivery against the Health Committee recommendations to secure the improvements needed for women in Wales.

    We’re asking MSs to listen to the voices of women, and to help us ensure the change the culture of dismissing women’s voices in healthcare settings.


    If you’d like to donate to Claire’s campaign, the Just Giving page is here.

    Help and support

    Tenovus Cancer Care
    If you’re worried or have questions about cancer, or would like to access our services, please call the Tenovus free Support Line on 0808 808 1010.

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